Percy wakes up and discovers that he has arrived in Camp Half-Blood, a secretive training ground for demigods. Thereafter, Percy is moved into the Hermes cabin under the care of Luke, the Cabin counselor. During a Capture the Flag game, Percy is attacked by the children of Ares. He heals when he steps into the adjoining river and is revealed as the son of Poseidon when Poseidon's trident appears above his head. Poseidon had broken an oath taken with Hades and Zeus after World War II of not having any more children since they were too powerful. Percy is then granted a quest to find Zeus's master bolt which Chiron believes Hades has stolen. However, Zeus, who discovered Poseidon had broken his oath, believes Poseidon had Percy steal the bolt. Percy, who has ten days before summer solstice to find the bolt, is given magic shoes by Luke before leaving. Percy, accompanied by Annabeth and Grover, decide to travel west to reach the entrance to the Underworld in Los Angeles. They encounter several Greek monsters, and also the war god, Ares, who tells Percy that his mother is alive. As they approach the pit of Tartarus, Luke’s shoes try to pull Grover into it, but he manages to slip free his hooves. Percy confronts Hades who also believes Percy stole the Master Bolt as well as his Helm of Darkness, which is an object that allows him to become a shadow. This lets him sneak up on his opponents. Percy realizes that Ares has tricked him when he discovers the bolt in his backpack. He flees from the Underworld, forced to leave his mother. Percy then fights and defeats Ares by hurting the god's heel. Ares gives Percy the Helm of Darkness which Percy returns to Hades. Percy reaches New York City to give the master bolt to Zeus at the top of Empire State Building where Olympus is now located. Zeus accepts the master bolt and thereafter Percy returns to camp, after learning that his mother is alive. He meets Luke, who reveals that he stole the bolt for Kronos. He calls out a poisonous scorpion which stings and nearly kills Percy. Chiron cures him and Percy leaves to attend another school found by his mother.

Troubled by a strange reocurring dream, nineteen-year-old Alice Kingsleigh attends a party that she is told is an engagement party to wed her to Hamish Ascot, whose family now owns her deceased father's trading firm. Unsure of how to reply, she runs away to chase after a rabbit, and accidentally falls into a rabbit hole. The hole transports her to a small room with many doors in a world called Underland.[6] The only unlocked exit is too small, causing Alice to use a series of potions to shrink and escape. Upon exiting, she is welcomed by Nivens McTwisp (the White Rabbit),[6] Mallymkun (the Dormouse),[6] Uilleam (the Dodo),[6] Tweedledum and Tweedledee, and several talking flowers who question her identity as "the right Alice." They take her to Absolem the Caterpillar,[6] who consults the Oraculum (a calendar-like scroll which details every day in Underland) and decides that she is "not hardly Alice." He also reveals that on the Frabjous Day, a hero named Alice will slay the Red Queen's Jabberwocky.[6] The group is then ambushed by the Bandersnatch, Jubjub bird and a group of playing-card soldiers led by Ilosovic Stayne,[6] the Knave of Hearts, who kidnap the White Rabbit, the Dodo, two flamingos and the Tweedles. The Bandersnatch chases Alice but is stopped when the Dormouse stabs out its eye.
Meanwhile, Iracebeth the Red Queen, who has conquered Underland by stealing the crown from her sister Mirana the White Queen, is informed by the Knave of Hearts that Alice has returned to Underland, causing her to send Bayard[6] the bloodhound to find her. The wandering Alice encounters the Cheshire Cat, who takes her to a tea party, where she meets the Mad Hatter, March Hare, and the Dormouse (who has the Bandersnatch's eye attached to her belt). The Hatter decides that she is "absolutely Alice," settling any doubt. When Bayard and the Queen's troops arrive, the Hatter hides Alice inside a teapot and manages to persuade Bayard not to reveal her. The Hatter agrees to take Alice to the Red Queen's castle to rescue her captured friends, and helps Alice avoid capture by the Red Queen's forces by placing her onto his hat and flinging it across a lake just before he himself is seized. The next day, Alice is found by Bayard, who aids her in secretly infiltrating the Red Queen's castle.
The White Rabbit, now a page for the Red Queen, finds the tiny Alice in the garden, and gives her a cake that causes her grow larger than normal. The Red Queen notices the commotion but is unaware of her identity and welcomes her as a guest instead. The Hatter persuades the Queen to let him serve as her personal milliner in an attempt to delay his execution. Alice learns that theVorpal Sword is locked away in a case inside the Bandersnatch's den, so she returns its eye and in turn, it allows her to retrieve the key, unlock the case and retrieve the sword, while becoming her ally. The Knave, having unsuccessfully tried to seduce Alice earlier, sees she has the Vorpal Sword and attempts to stop her; during the ensuing fracas, the Dormouse inadvertently reveals Alice's true identity. The Bandersnatch fights off the Red Knights and escapes with Alice, who then delivers the Vorpal Sword to the White Queen, and is returned back to her normal size. The Cat saves the Hatter and the Dormouse from execution, and they lead all of the enslaved Underland creatures to the White Queen's castle. Alice meets once more with Absolem (while entering his pupa stage), who reminds her of past visits to Underland, which she mistakenly called Wonderland, and helps give her the courage to fight the Jabberwocky.
When Frabjous Day arrives, both the White and Red Queens, who have gathered on a chessboard-like battlefield with their armies, choose their champions, Alice and the Jabberwocky respectively, to decide the fate of Underland. The White Queen offers her sister a chance for peace but is refused. Alice strikes first with the sword, slicing off the Jabberwocky's tongue, but the beast soon regains the upper hand, at which point the Hatter interferes, starting an all-out brawl between the two sides. The Hatter fights and overcomes Stayne, while Alice manages to climb onto the Jabberwocky's neck, allowing her to cut off its head. The White Queen banishes the Red Queen and Stayne to the Outlands, and collects the blood of the Jabberwocky, telling Alice that it will take her home if she chooses to go. The Hatter suggests that she stay with him in Underland, but she chooses to go home, promising him she'd be "back before you know it."
Alice drinks the blood and returns home, where she refuses Hamish's proposal and becomes an apprentice for Lord Ascot, with the idea of beginning trading routes with China

Hiccup is the son of the Viking Chief, Stoick the Vast, on the island of Berk. Hiccup's village is beset by dragons which raid their stock of sheep. Hiccup works as an apprentice to the blacksmith, Gobber the Belch.
During a raid, Hiccup shoots down a rare dragon called a Night Fury with a bolas cannon that he made, but no one believes him. Attempting to get proof Hiccup goes to the woods and finds the downed dragon, but can not bring himself to kill it. He frees it and it flies off to a canyon.
Stoick enrolls Hiccup in dragon training with the other village youths and leaves with a search party of Vikings to find the Dragon’s Nest, in order to wipe them out and finish the war. After being told that dragons are vicious, Hiccup returns in doubts to the forest. The Night Fury is still trapped in the canyon, and is missing a part of its tail from the previous crash landing, leaving it unable to fly properly. Hiccup decides to befriend the dragon, which he names Toothless, and eventually fashions an artificial tail wing and control harness. While helping Toothless fly again, Hiccup gains an extensive appreciation of dragons. With this knowledge, Hiccup is able to progress in dragon combat training to the amazement of his classmates and the jealousy of Astrid, who becomes strongly suspicious.
Stoick and his army return battered and tired, without having found the nest. Stoick's spirits are lifted when Gobber and others begin congratulating him on Hiccup's rise as a formidable warrior. Feeling a chance to bond with his son, Stoick honors Hiccup with a Viking helmet made from half of the breast plate of Hiccup's late mother.
When Hiccup earns the right to kill a dragon as a graduation rite, he decides to leave Berk with Toothless to avoid performing such an act. Astrid follows him to the hideout and discovers his friendship with the dragon. She tries to run back to the village, but Hiccup and Toothless stop her and Hiccup asks for a chance to explain, and they take her for a ride. In their flight, they get caught in a herd of dragons carrying food and follow them to their nest. There, they discover that the dragons steal food to feed a much larger parasitic dragon that eats them if they do not provide enough food. After they leave, Astrid wants to tell the village of the nest's location, but Hiccup decides against it in order to protect Toothless. Astrid agrees to keep quiet for the night. Before leaving, she punches him on the arm for "kidnapping" her, then kisses him on the cheek for "everything else".
The next day, during Hiccup's graduation battle, he throws down his weapons and tries to show everyone that dragons are not as bad as they seem. Stoick shouts to stop the battle before Hiccup can continue, and the agitated dragon attacks Hiccup. Toothless hears Hiccup's screams and rushes to save him. He quickly overpowers the dragon, the Vikings sent to capture him, and finally Stoick. He opens his mouth to kill the tribe leader, but at the last second Hiccup screams "No!" Toothless becomes tame and docile, and is quickly pinned by Vikings. Stoick confronts his son angrily at learning about his son's friendship with a dragon. Hiccup accidentally tells him that he has been to the nest, and Stoick decides to use Toothless to lead them there, ignoring his son's desperate warnings about the nest's true danger.
The Vikings set sail with Toothless. Hiccup decides to use the dragons that the Vikings use for dragon fighting practice to fly to the nest. Astrid gathers Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Fishlegs and Snotlout to help, and all mount the training dragons and set off after the Vikings.
As the Vikings arrive at the nest, all the dragons flee the island and the giant dragon sets all the boats on fire, including the one on which Toothless is chained. Hiccup and the others arrive, and, while he goes to free Toothless, the others try to distract the giant dragon. As the boat is sinking, Hiccup tries to free the still-chained Toothless but nearly drowns. Stoick saves both his son and Toothless.
After an aerial battle, Hiccup and Toothless kill the giant dragon; Hiccup is knocked out and falls into the explosion; Toothless dives in to save him. Stoick searches the rubble for his son, but only finds Toothless. At first, everyone thinks Hiccup has died in the explosion, but Toothless reveals that he saved Hiccup by wrapping him in his wings.
Hiccup reawakens in his home some days later, to find Toothless by his bedside. As he is getting out of bed, he realizes that his left foot was lost in the fire and has been replaced with a prosthetic made by Gobber; outside, he sees that the Vikings have invited the dragons to live in the village. Hiccup is welcomed back as a hero and receives a kiss on the lips from Astrid. Hiccup and Astrid ride their dragons through the newly-reformed Berk, as the war between dragon and Viking ends.

The film begins with a narration describing how the Olympians managed to overthrow their own creators, the Titans, through the aid of the Kraken, Hades's creation. After their fierce struggle, Zeus(Liam Neeson) became the King of the Gods, his brother, Poseidon (Danny Huston), the Lord of the Seas, and their brother, Hades (Ralph Fiennes), tricked by Zeus to rule the sickening Underworld in chaos and terror.
A coffin is then seen drifting through the sea before it is rescued by a fisherman, Spyros (Pete Postlethwaite). When Spyros opens it, he discovers the baby Perseus and his mother, Danaë, inside and raises the boy as his own. Perseus does not know who his real father and mother are, and worries that he will be neglected when his adoptive parents have a child of their own, but Spyros reassures him of his love. Years later, Perseus (Sam Worthington) and his family are fishing when they witness a group of soldiers from Argos destroying a massive statue of Zeus, effectively declaring war on the gods. Immediately following the fall of the statue, Hades sends out harpies to massacre the soldiers, then rises from the ocean and destroys the boat Perseus and his family are on. Perseus attempts to save his family from the sinking boat, but is unable to, and passes out on driftwood from the wreckage. The surviving soldiers find him and take him back to Argos.
When King Cepheus (Vincent Regan) and Queen Cassiopeia (Polly Walker) of Argos, at a feast for the returning soldiers, compare themselves to the gods and compare the beauty of their daughter,Andromeda (Alexa Davalos), to that of Aphrodite, Hades appears again, killing the remaining soldiers. When Perseus is unaffected by his attack, Hades realizes he is a demigod, and tells him of his true father, Zeus. Hades kills the queen, and demands that Argos further pay for its insolence and vanity; in 10 days, the Kraken will be released, and if the princess Andromeda is not sacrificed, then Argos will be destroyed. Hades then seeks out the gods on Mount Olympus and convinces Zeus to agree to his plan in order to punish mankind for their lack of love.
Initially, the Argives see Perseus as an agent of the gods and imprison him, but the king later seeks his help. A woman named Io (Gemma Arterton), who has been watching over Perseus his entire life, advises him that the only way to avenge the death of his family is to agree to the king's wishes and attempt to defeat the Kraken. He is sent out with a small group of soldiers, led by Draco (Mads Mikkelsen), along with Io to seek the Stygian Witches, while Hades visits Acrisius (Jason Flemyng), a disfigured man who was married to Danaë when Zeus impregnated her with Perseus. When Acrisius planned to kill his wife and the new born Perseus, Zeus sends down a thunderbolt from Olympus, badly scarring and disfiguring Acrisius's entire body. Acrisius says to Hades: "There is no Acrisius; only Calibos." To help him achieve his goals, Hades imbues him with superhuman powers to enable him to kill Perseus. Acrisius attacks the Argive group, killing several, and even when his hand is severed in the fight, his blood falling on the sand causes giant scorpions to rise from the desert and continue the attack. Perseus and the Argives manage to kill the first two scorpions, but are surrounded by three more, even larger than the first. As they are about to attack, the scorpions are suddenly calmed by a group of Djinn, Sand-Demons with magical powers. There is initially mistrust between the two groups, until the chief heals Perseus of grave injuries sustained during the fight, and the two sides agree to cooperate.
Perseus and his group, via the scorpions, arrive at the barren, rocky Garden of Stygia, the site where the Kraken ended the Great War and defeated the Titans. They find the three Stygian Witches, who are hideous and share one eye. They tell Perseus, after he threatens to throw their eye off the mountain, that Medusa's head will be able to kill the Kraken, but that he will die in the process. After the group leaves the witches Perseus talks to Zeus in the form of man. Zeus offers Perseus to be a god but Perseus refuse saying that Zeus knows little about mankind even though he created them. Zeus understands that he can't change his mind and gives Perseus a golden drachma stating that "Here, it's expensive where you're going." The coin was a bribe to Charon (Ferrier of the dead) to allow the passage of the living. The soldiers go to the Underworld, where Medusa lives in seclusion in a temple, and only the soldiers enter (Io cannot because she is a woman). Medusa turns all the remaining soldiers into stone, the Djinn destroys himself with his heart, weakening Medusa, and Draco, who is gravely injured by one of Medusa's arrows early in the fight, rescues a cornered Perseus by skewering Medusa with a stone pillar from the ceiling and allows himself to be turned to stone in order to give Perseus a clear shot at Medusa's head. Perseus, eyes shut, kills Medusa. As he exits the temple, Acrisius returns and stabs Io. Perseus fights him again and, this time, successfully kills him, which turns Acrisius back to human form. Io dies, telling Perseus “this part of the journey you must do alone...” Perseus finds Pegasus and flies back to Argos as the Kraken is being released and has started to destroy the city while a priest is about to sacrifice Andromeda.
Hades appears on Olympus and confronts Zeus. Hades explains that while the other Gods rely on the humans love and worship for power, over time he has become able to feed of their fear and hatred and that the destruction of Argos will briefly give him enough power to overthrow all of the Olympians at once. Zeus, angered, attempts to banish Hades back to the underworld, but Hades just laughs and exclaims he already has enough power to defeat Zeus alone. Hades begins to attack Zeus and quickly overpowers him. Zeus whispers while seemingly injured that ‘there is still a demigod in Argos’. Hades enraged that Perseus still lives then leaves to oversee the Kraken's attack and ensure victory.
Hades appears in Argos, and has his creatures attack Perseus and steal Medusa's head. Perseus defeats the creatures and regains the head, as well as successfully turning the Kraken to stone before it consumes Andromeda. Hades appears once more and boasts that he cannot die because he is immortal; but Perseus throws his sword, charged together with a bolt of lightning from Zeus's which banishes him to the Underworld as the hope of the people after the Kraken's defeat allows Zeus to regain his strength. Perseus then saves Andromeda from drowning when the apparatus used to restrain her falls into the ocean, but refuses to become king of Argos.
In the final scene, Perseus stands at the broken statue of Zeus seen at the beginning. Zeus appears and again offers to make Perseus a god on Olympus; but he refuses. Zeus notes that Hades will return one day for revenge when mankind is in fear. Zeus states that if Perseus is still intent to stay on earth then he might give him a gift since he is the son of Zeus after all. A resurrected Io appears before Perseus, and the two begin to embrace while Pegasus flies above them.
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